It seems ages ago, I was last here. Ive been on holiday for the last 3 weeks. first week was spent with crafting friends in Burnham on sea, where we all had a fantasic time, a little crafting, a lot of laughs, and a few shopping trips, (for craft goodies of course) my thanks to Viv, Pam, Jackie, and Sandra for your company, one memory that will stick in my mind forever, was the poor boy who tried to take our order for dinner.. after a little highjinx he was shaking.. poor lad.
Then two weeks in Zante, which was like going home. we stayed in Kalamki, a small village, a few bar/resturaunts and a great beach, which is famous for its breeding grounds for the loggerhead turtles. the weather wasnt as good as we would have like but we had a great time anyway.
The photo is of Banana beach, which is fairly unpopulated even in the height of the season
Its nice to be back though